Careers In Immuno Panel
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About the Panelists
Ashton Trotman-Grant
Twitter: @ATrotmanGrant
Ash is a PhD candidate in the Department of Immunology at the University of Toronto. He studies T cell development, synthetic biology and thymic regeneration in the lab of Dr. Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker. With an interest in entrepreneurship, he recently co-founded a start-up with his supervisor and collaborating scientists called Notch Therapeutics, where they aim to develop off-the-shelf engineered T cells for different diseases. Beyond the lab, he is a proponent of science communication, entrepreneurship and youth mentorship.
Jonathan Wosen, PhD
Twitter: @JonathanWosen
Jonathan Wosen is The San Diego Union-Tribune’s biotech reporter. He also covers the San Diego Zoo. Before joining the U-T in April 2020, Jonathan was a student in the UC Santa Cruz Science Communication Program. He holds a doctorate in immunology from Stanford, and has interned at STAT News, the Santa Cruz Sentinel, and Knowable magazine.
Jonathan Silver, PhD
Twitter: @JonSilver
Jonathan Silver, PhD received his BS in Biology from UNC-Chapel Hill with Honors in 2005 and completed a doctorate in Immunology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2011. His doctoral work focused on understanding how gp130/IL-6 family cytokines regulate the immune response to Toxoplasma Gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at Medimmune where he focused on understanding how a cytokine called IL-33 regulates smoke-associated changes in anti-viral immune responses and showed that Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells exhibit a phenotypic plasticity that can be associated with promoting exaggerated anti-viral inflammation. He has continued to work in biopharma and is now a Senior Scientist serving as the lead biologist on several pre-clinical drug programs.
Danielle Twum, PhD
Twitter: @forgedonyx
From Ghana, West Africa, Danielle Twum received her B.A. in Biology from Vassar College where she studied the effects of climate change on coral bleaching. Danielle received her Ph.D. in Cancer Immunology from the University at Buffalo where she studied the immunology of breast cancer metastasis. Dr. Twum is an AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador, an initiative aimed at increasing the visibility of women in STEM as role models for young girls. If she is not reading romantic novels, you’ll find Dr. Twum enjoying Indian and Korean food, pretending to be Beyoncé’s background dancer, or getting lost in the wormhole that is the BBC Earth YouTube channel.