Black In Immuno is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization!
We are officially a non-profit organization, which means we can better assist you! For our previous, current, and future sponsors, we have updated sponsorship opportunities.
As part of our non-profit we are looking for people that are fiscal and/or legal minded to serve on our board of directors! We also want to diversify our board so not just scientists! Think that could be you?? Contact us here!
Looking to be more involved but only have a couple of hours? Only can do a one-off thing?? We're also recruiting volunteers. Black in Immuno Week is a big deal and we would love your help! You can fill out this form for more information.
Want to be the first to know what's going on with our organization?? Make sure to sign up for our mailing list. We sent out our quarterly Black in Immuno Newsletter but will send out fellowship and job announcements without spamming you!
Keep following our Twitter because we have more exciting news to announce in the coming days!
(A gif with Black in Immuno logo in the left-hand upper corner on a black raectangle that goes down the left side with light blue, dark blue, and burnt orange block strips on the left bottom corner. It says "Announcement! Black in Immuno is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization!!" in white on a dark blue background. On the upper right hand corner of the block it has a light blue diagonal line and the corner is burnt orange. The main block of text says "What does that mean? [in a bulleted list] Long term stability, intra- and extra-mural funding opportunities, room for growth!!, additional opportunities for events brought to you and the community!!" A block of text "Whether you represent a research department, company, non-profit, patient advocacy group, foundation, or just yourself, there are many opportunities to support us:" This is on a yellow backdrop that is being painted on.)